Friday, October 10, 2008

What does half-assed really mean?

Pardon the language. I recently came across a blog
and loved it. Initially my eye was caught by the awesome Obama shirt being sported in today's post. Then I looked a little deeper...the writer mentioned in her bio that she is a mom and a marketing consultant and that she feels she does each half- assed. I am sure she does an awesome job at both. But I understand the feeling.

That said, how many of us women are mom's first struggling to handle a business. God forbid you have success at whatever it is you do. Even though the outside world says "wow, you are superwoman." You constantly feel like you are aren't getting enough done.

I don't know how many times my daughter (4) has said. "Mommy you are ALWAYS working". Which makes me feel like do-do. Despite the fact I work from a home office ( and quit most days at 2:30 so I don't have to juggle kids and work.

The truth is something we already know. We are our own worst critics.

What has all this got to do with advertising advice? Hmm...nada, but it was on my chest and now it isn't.

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