All agencies listen up (& graphic designers beware), if you are selling web services and not letting your clients in on the true role of a website, you are stealing their money.
Websites - why offer them?
Your client’s website is potentially the most powerful sales and marketing tool in their arsenal. 90% of their new business contacts will review their website, and 50% of them allow that website to influence their decision to continue the relationship. To all agencies - make sure your client's know this.
Business websites start a discussion with the market, and convey the brand and personality of a company. They’re also used as distribution channels, store fronts, lead generators, customer support and sales tools. They play a key role in search marketing, email marketing, and other integrated marketing campaigns.
Website Value - It's NOT about being pretty
A website is often the first impression you make with the market. It can reinforce and strengthen their competitive positioning and brand strategy, but it can also do the opposite: fail to differentiate you, or worse yet, lose the interest of a prospect.
Though most companies have a website, many still aren’t taking advantage of the changing role the web is playing in business selling processes. Website roles can be different for each business, but in most industries, a good website can:
* Reinforce a brand
* Deliver compelling information about products, services and a company mission
* Generate leads
* Nurture existing leads and move them closer to purchase
* Provide support for customers and distribution channels
Smart companies have their websites play larger roles in their marketing. That means moving the strategic website decisions from the graphic designers and programmers to key business leaders. it is also imperative to make an investment in Search engine optimization, what's the point in having a site if your market can't find you? NONE! (well there are reasons, but if you want ROI you need SEO)
A website redesign can be a substantial investment. But the true value of the site isn’t how pretty it looks, it’s how effectively it performs in the marketing and sales mix.